The following links connect you directly to the
organization's site. The list
is in alphabetical order. Please check the entry. If any of the links does not
function or the url has changed, please let us know. If your organization is not on the list, please
send us an e-mail
with the organization's name and url. Thank you.
American Chemical Society - ACS
American Institute of Physics - AIP
Federation of Societies for Coatings
Technology - FSCT
The Paint Research Association - PRA (UK)
Society of Cosmetics Chemists - SCC
Rheology Societies:
Australian Society of Rheology
Austrian Group of Rheology
Belgian Group of Rheology
British Society of
Bulgarian Society of Rheology
Canadian Society of Rheology
Czech Group of Rheology
Dutch Rheological Society
European Society of Rheology
French Group of Rheology
German Society of Rheology
Hellenic Society
of Rheology
Israel Society of Rheology
Italian Group of Rheology
Japanese Society
of Rheology
Korean Society of Rheology
Nordic Rheology Society
Polish Society of Engineering Rheology
Portuguese Society of Rheology
Romanian Society of Rheology
Slovenian Society of Rheology
Society of Rheology (USA)
Spanish Group of Rheology
Swiss Group of Rheology
Vinogradov Society of Rheology
Academic Centers:
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Rheology Research Center
Harvard University -
Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group
Michigan State university - Rheology
and Bioprocessing
MIT - Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics Research
University of Massachusetts - Laboratory
for Experimental Rheology
University of
Michigan - Complex Fluids and Nanostructured Materials
The Pennsylvania State
University - Polymer Dynamics and Complex Fluids Rheology Group
University of
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
of Minnesota Rheology Characterization Laboratory
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